Senate Committee Services

​Request to Testify Remotely

This page describes the remote testimony program during the 2020 Session. Current information about remote testimony is here.

Ask a committee to offer remote testimony

Open Public Video Remote Testimony - Option #1Invited Video Remote Testimony - Option #2
What is the Deadline for Remote Testimony Requests?Four (4) full business days before the hearing

Example: A request must be received by the start of business on Monday in order to be timely for a Friday hearing.
Two (2) full business days before the hearing

Example: A request for a Friday hearing must be submitted before the start of business on Wednesday in order to be timely for a Friday hearing.
Who May Request that Remote Testimony be Made Available at a Hearing?Anyone may request that the public be allowed to sign up to use remote testimony at a remote site using the online formAnyone may request an individual or small group be invited to testify through remote testimony using the online form (each testifier must fill out a request using the online form)
Who Is Eligible to Testify Using Remote Testimony at the Committee Hearing?Only those who sign up for current open public testimony opportunitiesOnly those individuals included in a remote testimony request that is approved by the Committee Chair
What Can I Testify On?You can testify on the bill or bills made eligible for open public remote testimonyYou can testify on the bill or work session topics identified in the request
Where do I Testify From?A Designated Remote Testimony Site (subject to availability)
A Designated Remote Testimony Site (subject to availability) or individual connection through your computer
Technical RequirementsDesignated Remote Testimony Site responsibility
  • Designated Remote Testimony Site's responsibility if at remote site
  • Wired or reliable wireless connection, webcam or built-in videoconference capability and microphone, neutral background, quiet room, good lighting, and a backup speakerphone or headset in the room for audio-only backup.

I will not be able to make my remote testimony request before the deadline (see above.) What should I do?

Contact committee staff to discuss teleconference as an option (subject to committee Chair approval.)

Questions? Contact Ariel Kennedy at: (360) 786-7432

Where can I go to testify?

Register to testify at a hearing already scheduled for remote testimony

Wanting to testify before the Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee? Click below for more details on this committee's pilot project.

Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee Pilot Project

Remote Testimony Home